
Criss Cuervo was born in Venezuela to Colombian parents, migrated to the US at age 15, and spent her adult life living in the US, Latin America and Spain. She spent over a decade in corporate America working for companies such as CBS, Telemundo, Comcast, ESPN and DishLATINO, where she received multiple awards for her leadership, performance and innovation skills. She holds a BA in Communications from the University of Illinois and an MA in Mindfulness from Lesley University. Criss is a certified teacher of Search Inside Yourself, a leadership program developed at Google, as well as Mindfulness Mentor Training from Cloud Sangha.

Criss is the author of PERTENÆCER: Eight-Week Mindfulness and Meditation Training and Practices for Latinx Immigrants in the United States, and co-author of “Building a more Diverse and Inclusive Science: Mindfulness-based Approaches for Latinx Individuals,” published in the Mindfulness Journal. Currently, Criss lives in New York and shares culturally-attuned mindfulness practices globally as a consultant. In her free time, she enjoys reading, meditation, walking in nature, yoga, zumba, and tennis.