Take time to unwind and restore before sleep. Rest comfortably in the candlelit Fresh Air Studio for this unique practice that combines Restorative Yoga, Energy Healing and Meditation. Be present as you recover from the weekend and reenergize for the week ahead in soft, gentle light. Guided by BWBH founder, Lara Wilson, MA, GCMS, RYT-200.
Healing tea will be offered after this wellBeing practice, if you care to stay for an additional 15 minutes.
$22 suggested donation. Space is limited.
Please DONATE! We co-create FREE community practice thanks to the generosity of our contributors.
Be Well Be Here is a 501c3 non-profit mindful wellness educational collaborative - your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Be part of our mission to bring wellBEing practices to ALL.