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WRITE for WellBEing: A Holiday Half-Day BEtreat

Holiday Half-Day BEtreats

In Person with Be Well Be Here

*Due to the recent Covid surge, this event has been postponed. Stay tuned for spring BEtreats!

Wrap up 2021 with personalized mindful wellness practices at Be Well Be Here’s glorious retreat space in rural Concord, MA. Each Holiday Half-Day BEtreat offers soothing mindful practices compassionately co-created for you by expert guides to inspire and rejuvenate. BEtreat yourself, a love one and a friend for optimal wellbeing!

Write for WellBEing Tuesday, Dec. 28 at 1:00 – 5:30 pm

Writing is a mindful practice that helps us shed burdens, gain perspective and reframe old stories to inspire new possibilities. Join mindful writers and wellness professionals Nina Englander, owner of Englander Chiropractic in Lexington, and Lara Wilson, founder of Be Well Be Here in Concord, MA for this Mindful Writing and Wellness Workshop – and inspire your inner storyteller!

1:00 pm    Mindful Arrival Welcome to your Write for WellBeing BETreat!

1:30 pm    Journaling for WellBeing

Join author, chiropractor and compassionate community builder, Dr. Nina Englander, to practice the art of mindful journaling and meditation. Learn methods of self-expression through visualization that inspire creativity and confidence. Create an energetic foundation out of which self-esteem and wellBEing grow.

3:00 pm   Enjoy a Mindful Moment

3:30 pm   Mindful Writing Workshop

BWBH founder, author and master writing teacher Lara Wilson shares techniques that help you break through writing barriers, boost storytelling skills and explore creative possibilities through writing exercises. Sense the magic as you discover a mindful process that ignites your work and deeply engages readers.

5:00 pm   Mindful Meditation – Celebrate your creative nature with this relaxing guided meditation in the sunny BWBH Fresh Air Studio.

 5:30 pm   Fond Farewell

Healing & WellBEing Wed., Dec. 29 at 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Shake off a year of stress and Be Present! BWBH mindful wellness professionals guide master-level experiential practices that are compassionately co-created to calm the nervous system, re-energize the body and cultivate peace of mind. 

9:00 am    Mindful Arrival Welcome to a beautiful Healing BETreat space! 

9:30 am      Mindful Yoga & Pranayama (breath work)

Join certified yoga therapist Nicole Grant for yoga practice that integrates and harmonizes all bodily systems –musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory, neurological, digestive, endocrine and immune – and brings the whole of your being into energetic alignment. Transition from resistance to renewal and take a mindful step on your new path of wellBEing.

11:15 am    Energy Medicine 101

What is energy medicine and how can it help improve your health? Join certified Biofield Tuning expert, Julie Ramsdell, to learn a series of mindful wellness modalities that move and boost energy. Together, we’ll explore wellness concepts such as Meridian-Point Tapping, Grounding with Nature, Energy Recalibration, Frequency Modulation and Sound Healing through Biofield Tuning. Discover elegant and efficient ways to heal your own body and reduce pain, enhance a sense of calm and reach a state of inner balance.

12:00 pm    Mindful Meditation

Engage your innate wisdom to acknowledge all that has brought you to this moment and feel revitalized sensing your new way to Be Well. Meditation led by BWBH founder Lara Wilson.

12:30 pm    Fond Farewell

Give yourself the gift of Mindful Wellness at
BWBH Holiday Half-Day BEtreats,
and take the first step on a new path to natural wellBEing.

$124 for each Holiday Half-Day BEtreat with master mindful practitioners in rural Concord, MA

$224 for both Holiday Half-Day BEtreats on December 28 and 29, 2021 (a 20% discount!)


Space is limited to 8 participants for greater wellBEing and to provide personalized attention.

Must provide proof of vaccination against Covid19, wear masks and practice social distancing. BWBH follows all local, state and federal health guidelines.

Thanks to our generous donors, we offer a limited amount of scholarships for these events. Please be in touch if you require subsidized pricing by emailing

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9:30 AM09:30

Compassionate Couples Retreat with the Healing Garden

Compassionate Couples BEtreat

A Mindful Relationship Retreat with the Healing Garden

Relationships take us on a wild ride of experiences that give life meaning and present challenges. All couples have moments of uncertainty, conflict, connection and deep love – even more so when we face struggles such as a cancer diagnosis and treatment or chronic illness. As both patients and caregivers, how do we cope with conflicts while cultivating loving kindness?

Simply put, we choose to try, experimenting with new ideas, and trying again. Join Lara Wilson, stage III cancer survivor, mother of four who recently celebrated 30 years of marriage, and founder of 501c3 mindful wellness non-profit Be Well Be Here, for this Compassionate Couples BEtreat, an online retreat that explores the path of partnership through mindful communication and connection.


Compassionate Couples is for partners struggling with cancer care, chronic illness or Covid. Through The EPIC Way process (see below), we’ll discover why we show up as we do, work toward being “unstuck” as a couple, and re-ignite the reasons we chose to Be in it together. Discover simple ways to shift habits and learn daily micro-actions that settle the nerves to co-create more contentment and wellBeing.

Compassionate Couples BEtreat

online through Zoom

Saturday, March 13 at 9:30 am - noon

(includes breaks)

9:30 am  Where Are We Now?

Welcome to the Compassionate Couples Retreat, and thanks for showing up! We’ll begin by exploring your natural way to Be Present without pressure. Step away from past baggage and future worries to observe yourself and your partner in the moment with a caring, open mind. 

10:00 am   Compassionate Couples and The EPIC Way REPEAT Practice

How might I find a way to feel heard and show I care when life gets complicated?

Humans evolve every minute of the day. From our cells to our mindset, we sense this process of change and renewal. REPEAT Practice returns us to innate states of being through personal and interpersonal connection. Experiment with this mindful wellness process as you:

·      awaken your ability to sustain attention

·      develop natural resilience skills as you stay in the game

·      enhance your window of tolerance to feel less irritated by others

·      experiment with reframing the story of your relationship

·      learn micro-actions to respond rather than react

·      communicate with kindness and compassion

The EPIC Way invites us to explore new ways to communicate clearly and compassionately. After examining the mind / body connection through REPEAT Practice, we’ll try some simple journaling to privately express our story of Self. By understanding and even befriending our identity as storytellers, new narratives arise as we re-imagine the Why behind our relationships.

11:30  Compassionate Couples Guided Meditation

Time to relax! Experience a simple way to rejuvenate and release what is no longer needed. As you let go of stress, learn mindful wellness prompts that can be added to daily life. We’ll conclude with loving kindness meditation (Metta), and step forward with a new sense of ease and possibility.

$48 per couple. Please complete BWBH’s Scholarship Application if you need financial assistance.

The EPIC Way REPEAT Practice

The EPIC Way REPEAT Practice somatically returns us to innate states of being through personal and interpersonal connection. This mindful wellness methodology awakens our natural ability to Be present, access resilience skills, tolerate challenges, and communicate with compassion.

1. Release – Let Go of Excess Energy

2. Experience – Situate in the Moment 

3. Pause – Simply Notice

4. Explore - Engage Curiosity

5. Attend – Embody Awareness

6. Trust – Listen, validate, respond

REPEAT! The EPIC Way process shares evidence-based practices that inculcate a deeper felt sense, which leads to greater intuitive understanding, authentic shared values and the evolution of cultural consciousness. With The EPIC Way, participants develop deep compassion for the self and others to build caring, connected communities and enhance our collective wellBEing.

For personalized practice, please email or call 978-203-2825.

As a 501c3 non-profit, we gratefully accept DONATIONS.

May You Be Well, Safe and Peaceful in the midst of this.

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